
Since the birth of Walkabout Bros back in 2018, our support stateside has been astronomical to say the least and something we never anticipated. Weather it was purchases of our merch or simply messages of encouragement, pushing us on to get our project off the ground.

Now because of that support Walkabout Bros is Operational and ready to assist in Mental health Support on an international scale. So, we wanted to create an avenue targeted at supporting our supporters. U.S Veterans and their Families.

A study released this year found that as many as “44 U.S veterans die on average per day  from suicide when accounting overlooked deaths such as unexplained drug overdoses, which is more than twice the official estimate”.


Unfortunately, Mental Health Support isn’t a “one size fits all” treatment especially when it comes to our veterans.


Walkabout Bros has opened the “Operation-44 Fund” that enables American Veteran men and woman from over the pond to come on an all-inclusive 10-day Walkabout Bros Support Camp to some of Australia’s unique and beautiful natural land scapes engaging in a once in a lifetime adventure to find their passion and in turn their purpose, forging bonds that will last a lifetime.

We have a team of  amazing suppliers and service providers here, not to mention an amazing crew of volunteers including councillors’, physicians, tour guides and support workers making this possible.


But we need your help to make this possible. 

For as little as $4.40 a fortnight up to $440 a month for 12 months, we can start making a difference to the lives of veterans and their families for generations to come. If you are a business owner simply spreading the word to your staff and management could mean saving another life. The Walkabout Crew are also more then happy to work out a once off payment or a custom subscription that suits your financial situation.


 Our goal is to have 44,000 subscribers before the end of 2022. Giving us the capabilities to help 10 veterans every 10 days. In turn putting a dint in the current suicide rate amongst veterans.

We understand that’s a big feat. We believe big changes need to be made by setting big targets, so let’s do this together.


Our diverse range of facilitators from around Australia are ready and waiting to offer a range of services to empower individuals with the tools and strength to return state side with purpose, goals, and the confidence to achieve them. 

Our support workers will also assist with all the nasty paperwork eg: passport, travel insurance and visa applications needed to get you to the land down under.


If you know anyone that you think would benefit from the “Operation 44” or would like to support it in any way drop us a line at   operation44fund@walkaboutbros.com  or jump over to our website on the link below to subscribe. 

One of our volunteer staff will be in contact within 48 hours to provide happier longer futures for not only veterans but their family and community.


If you would like to become a part of the Walkabout Bros Team or volunteer your time to supporting Veterans, please feel free to shoot me an email directly at director@walkaboutbros.com.


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