

Purple Heart Recipient


A fun loving, clutzy, adrenaline junkie and huge nerd. She loves making people laugh and think, and is fiercely protective of her family, brothers-in-arms, and people she calls "friend". Her dad served in the US Air Force in Viet Nam and went on to become a deputy Sheriff in Montana, while her mom is a nurse. This, and early life experiences, lead to Mary having a (rather dark) sense of humour, overwhelming compassion for animals and people, a grounded world view, and a calm demeanour in intense situations. All of which aided her when she joined the US Army as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician. In 2007, she lost both of her arms when she hugged an IED while on a response mission between Iraqi apartments and a children's school. She's spent a great deal of her time since then, trying to spread laughter and tools to be more resilient to the people around her... and playing video games. 

"I've seen a lot of veteran and first responder charities since I retired from the Army. And many of them are shit. The true ones, the great ones, are the ones that take you out of your comfort zone. The ones who test you, and make you prove to yourself that you can still go beyond living, you can thrive. They leave you with an experience that when you're struggling, you can call back to, years later, and say, 'This ain't shit. I survived [wherever it was], I can overcome this.' They remind you that your darkest days, weren't your last. And I truly believe that that is what sets Walkabout Bros. apart. The experience."



A born adventurer. Nick’s childhood was spent mostly abroad and in the developing world with his parents who were Missionary/Aid Workers. His interest in medicine and soldiering was sparked when he cut the tip of his finger in half at 8 years old while in southern Belize. There were no hospitals in a twelve-hour radius as they were living in a dense jungle with no running water, phones, or paved roads. The area also happened to be an active guerrilla war zone at the time. Fortunately, Nicks parents took him to the British Para’s whose Medic patched him right up. Nick joined the US Military at 18 years old and eventually earned a Green Beret. Since then, Nick has travelled the world as a Soldier, Military Contractor, Aid worker, Mountaineer, Commercial Fisherman, Medic, and Survivalist. He has deployed to three theatres of conflict to include Iraq, Afghanistan, and Central/South America. He has done Aid work in Africa, Central America, and thought the Middle/Far East. Residing in East Texas his down-time is spent adventuring with his wife and 3 kids. Nick enjoys coffee, bourbon, bbq, amateur herpetology, functional fitness, philosophy, and an inappropriate sense of humour especially in bad situations. For Nick the greatest adventure is giving back. 

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